Monday, October 25, 2010

Why Inflammation in The Body Is Known As The Silent Killer and How To Reduce It Safely and Naturally

There's no doubt about it, inflammation in the body can lead to premature sudden death from a heart attack or stroke as well as causing conditions like arthritis. Discover why you could be at risk and how to prevent it naturally.

We all have certain levels of inflammation in the body and that is normal but for many of us today, these levels are far too high.

Our diets are rich in omega 6 fats from sunflower oil, fried food, red meat etc which all cause inflammation while 90% of the population are lacking in omega 3 from fatty fish.

The best natural ratio for these two is around 2:1 or 3:1 omega 6 to omega 3. Today it is not uncommon for it to be 25:1 or more! You do not feel the inflammation in the body as it has no symptoms but it can strike without warning.

Just by increasing your daily intake of omega 3 with a fish oil supplement for example can reduce your risk of premature sudden death by 40%.

This is because inflammation is behind most diseases and not just restricted to the more obvious ones like arthritis and other joint problems.

In the case of conditions like arthritis, it is usually an autoimmune disorder where the body mistakenly believes that the healthy tissue is a foreign invader and sends white blood vessels and other chemicals to repel it.

This leads to soreness, swelling and considerable discomfort on an ongoing basis if the right treatment is not found.

The absolute best and most natural way to lower inflammation in the body is to increase your omega 3 intake with fish oils. Fresh fatty fish are no longer the best choice as they contain too many chemicals today from our polluted oceans.

While eating a couple of portions a week is okay, it will not give you enough omega 3 fatty acids.

A quality distilled fish oil supplement rich in the most important fatty acid called DHA can really help to reduce the symptoms and lower your risk of serious disease.

The DHA fats are responsible for the anti-inflammatory benefits and should be present in high amounts. Distilling the oil ensures that you will not ingest toxins from the fish that could lead to health problems and cancel out the many benefits.

As well as lowering inflammation in the body to safe and natural levels, you also get to benefit from lower blood pressure, a stronger cardiovascular system, stronger immune function and enhanced brain health too.

If you would like to learn more about the pure DHA fish oil supplements I personally take, visit my website below.

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