Thursday, October 21, 2010

Having Problems Catching Flu? Boost Your Immune System

Many of us are having problems catching flu, especially during cold seasons like winter. If you want to get rid of common colds, the solution is to boost the immune system with the right knowledge and healthy lifestyle practices. Here are tips to boost the immune system and keep you from getting sick.

To start, exercise is one the best ways to boost the immune system. With an intense workout, you allow the body to perspire. Perspiration will allow the toxins to be flushed out. The increased metabolic rate from exercise will also help flush the toxins that can weaken the immune system.

Sleep is also very important in the keeping the immune system strong. The adequate amount of sleep has a huge impact on your immunity. Hence, getting a good night's sleep is very critical when you want to get rid of influenza or the common colds infection.

Diet is also very important. Stay away from processed foods and choose to go natural with fruits, vegetables, and natural grains. Have plenty of citrus fruits, berries, and green leafy vegetables for vitamin C. Taking ascorbic acid or vitamin C has a significant effect on reducing the development of flu symptoms.

Be careful with coffee and alcohol. Both of these beverages can dehydrate the body, depleting the nutrients like minerals and vitamins. You can drink coffee and have some alcohol-containing drinks. But be sure to take them in moderation.

The immune system is very important in preventing infections like the common colds. Make sure to practice the tips I provided you and you will surely minimize the chances of catching colds especially during the flu season.

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