Friday, October 29, 2010

How to Really Cure Crohn's Disease

Hello friend. For well over 10 years I had fought and struggled with this hated disease. It seemed that nothing I could do would stop the horrible stomach aches and constant vomiting. I was constantly battling with its dreaded symptoms.

I had done all I could until one day. I stumbled upon an almost forgotten secret. This secret, actually brought me the healing and relief I had earnestly sought after. I no longer suffer from ANY of the Crohn's Disease symptoms. No more. Amazingly, most people who have heard about it, never really use this method because they think its just too hard to do. Quite the opposite. It really isn't all that hard. If you really want the change in health you need, you will do it.

This method has been around for many years, has been responsible for the amazing health recovery of countless individuals. Yet few really take advantage of it. What I am talking about has to do with what we eat. Pure and simple.

For many years I ate just about anything and everything I wanted. I believed that I was getting the proper nutritional intake of the right kinds of foods. Unfortunately, in my younger years, I ate way too much candy, cakes, pastries and the like as well. You see, eventually it all caught up with me. Because I did not eat what my body was originally designed to process.

Our bodies are a wonderful machine. And it works perfectly as long as you work together in harmony with it. Some individuals believe they can eat, drink whatever. Without even knowing what will happen to their own body in just a short time. I can't tell you how many people I have spoken to about this and they really believe they are made out of cast iron. Once my Dad told me about a man who could chew on glass. Good grief!

Needless to say, it is always best to do what you can to provide the best nutritional and body sustaining food you can, to get the most life giving properties. Something, and that includes yours truly, we can all benefit from by constantly studying what will give us just that.

Organic, non-GMO (Genetically Modified Organisms) foods are the best to eat. Any time a food substance is modified from its originally intended form spells trouble. The reason is that the food chemistry is completely changed, and you are not getting the full nutritional value you deserve, regardless of what some people say about it. It's a fact.

Lets face it. You want to do the best for your body, right? Well, then you must educate and retrain yourself to eat for the best performance of your body. When I was younger, I ate a lot of junk food, sodas just to name a few wrong food sources. Friends, we have to be on guard for our life. Yes, that's right. For your life.

Here's a little food secret: Did you know that avocados, coconuts and coconut milk have incredible life giving properties in them? If you we stranded on an island with just these foods, you could stay alive in perfect health. Amazing isn't it? I was stunned when I found this out. And this is just the tip of the iceberg. There is actually tons of other foods that will supercharge you back to full health. I mean it. Remember I did it!

Now this information may sound strange, however, you must have complete control over your nutritional intake. That way, whenever you eat something, you know that you are putting into your body the highest nutritional value you can.

This may sound too difficult to do. However, its not really. We all change the way we do things from time to time. Just look at it from that point of view. Then it is not that hard to do at all. That's what I did. And the change was the best thing I could ever have done for myself. Sometimes you just have to get a little "selfish" with your body to improve it.

It is no different than say restoring an antique car for example. Same thing.

You can get rid of Crohn's Disease because I DID IT. No surgery or drugs of any kind. If I can do it, any person can do it too. I invite all who are now suffering under this disease to take the challenge. What you need to do is, "Stop, Look and Think". Do I want to continue like this or heal it up? That's what I asked myself. Treat yourself as something so valuable that you can't put a price on it. Look at your body as being the most important priority to restore to health.

I hope you have enjoyed reading this article. My goal is to help as many individuals as I can to think more clearly and not to be mislead by those who would not provide the true healing you need. You can break the cycle of conditioned thinking into proactive thinking for yourself. Never forget that. Do not let others do the thinking for you. Especially when it comes to your health. You alone must be in control of that.

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