Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Can Herbs Treat Hemorrhoids?

Although many people are reluctant to seek medical help when they experience hemorrhoids it is important to get a proper diagnosis. Once you know that there is no serious underlying condition you should be able to get very good results by using natural methods to treat hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoid herbs can be particularly beneficial.

Witch Hazel has been used for centuries to treat hemorrhoids and other conditions of the veins. Applied onto any cut or abrasion will cause blood vessels to contract. As piles are overstrained blood vessels this can be very beneficial and bring rapid relief. Soak a cotton ball in witch Hazel and apply directly to the area. As well as providing relief this will stop bleeding and promote healing.

Horse Chestnut and Butchers Broom are often used in herbal remedies to treat hemorrhoids. It is possible to prepare and grind the herbs yourself but it is probably more convenient to take an herbal supplement. This will also ensure you get an effective dose. These two herbs heal and strengthen your veins. They will also prevent future problems if taken regularly.

You can treat the problem externally by making a strong tea with Yarrow. Allow the Yarrow to steep in hot water then bathe the area with the tea using cotton wool.

St John's Wort (Hypericum) can be found in ointments that can be used to soothe. Use the ointment three or four times daily, particularly after bowel movement.

Green tea has high levels of anti-oxidants called flavanoids. If you drink one cup of green tea each day you will be increasing the ability of the body to deal with toxins and when your body is free of toxins it will work efficiently. Flavanoids are particularly beneficial to the veins and circulatory system.

In addition to these herbal treatments you will help your body to heal by eating a diet that is high in fibre. Fibre will bulk up your stools and make them slightly softer. This will avoid excess pressure on your anal region that can damage the veins. As well as increasing your fibre intake try to increase the amount of water you drink.

Taking some gentle exercise will also help to prevent constipation. Finally never hold off going to the bathroom. When you feel the need to go you must go.

By making these simple life changes and using the suggested herbs you should be able to shrink and heal your piles. It is then just as important to continue to make sure they don't come back!

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