Thursday, November 4, 2010

Important Things You Should Know About Genital Warts

Skin problems and infections are now becoming a common issue among individuals, both men and women of any age. The occurrence of these kinds of problem is due to several factors including poor hygiene, unhealthy lifestyle, unhealthy diet and even some environmental factors. One common relevant issue on skin transpiring in both male and female, particularly the adults is the emergence of these warts in the genital area.

Genital Warts Overview

Similar to genital herpes, genital warts are types of diseases that are mostly transmitted through sexual intercourse and are also highly contagious. The infection is due to a virus called HPV or Human Papillomavirus. Many people who have genital warts are not aware that they are already infected because the infection may not be noticeable.

Typically, these warts, also known as venereal warts are described as gray growths or flesh-colored warts, commonly spotted in the genitalia and anal region. Both men and women of any age can be infected with HPV and have these warts. Majority of the sufferers are those who are in the 17-33 age brackets. Relevant study shows that a single sexual intercourse with a carrier can lead to an approximately sixty percent risk of becoming infected.

Warts in the genitals may also occur to children, particularly those below three years old. In this case, the transmission of the virus infection is regarded as non-sexual but rather as direct manual contact with the carrier. It rarely happens, though.

Common Symptoms

The occurrence of these warts can be painless but can cause too much frustration. A person who has this type of infection may experience symptoms like itchiness occurring in the affected areas. These types of warts usually spread in several areas of the body. Thus, it is widespread. Men sufferers typically have infection in the penis, scrotum, rectal area and urethra. The appearance can be described by soft, raised masses or lesions having smooth or rough surface. In women, genital warts usually appear in the moist areas of the vaginal opening. The incidents of women who experience bleeding after having sexual intercourse, vaginal discharge and itchiness are also few of the rare symptoms that may occur.

Prevention and Treatment

Like the other forms of genital infections, this is highly contagious but preventable. One sure way to evade from having such infection is to carefully observe safe sex. A lot of protective means are available to use depending on your preference. But if by all means, prevention is not enough and genital warts still emerge, proper treatment should be given. Once the existence of warts is recognized, self-care should be properly observed. Considering the warts being infectious, avoid touching them. Picking or squeezing is also discouraged. All these need to be done in order to prevent the spread.

A single effective medical treatment that completely eliminates genital warts is still not available. However, several treatment methods are already offered to help resolve the issue. The cryotherapy, laser treatment and electrodessication are just few of the many alternative treatments and methods, specifically designed to deal with genital warts.

Article Source:

Harold Hisona - EzineArticles Expert Author

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